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  • Powerful Tips To Encourage Site Readers To Remain Longer and Return

    Posted on May 10th, 2011 mike1174 No comments

    G’Day I’m OneDumbAussie

    The Value of Optimizing Your Websites To Compel Traffic To Return

    The individual web marketer and small business has learned all too well how tough it can be to keep visitors interested and coming back for more. Nevertheless, keeping the visitor interested and engaged, and staying for significantly longer, is another important concern. But attaining that is not always clear-cut or easy for many factors. Reaching success with these aspects will fully rely on your knowledge of your market and website conversion. There are perhaps close to ten or higher site features that will each play a role to visitor behavior. If you are truly serious about your business, then you simply must start performing split testing on your site. Eventhough testing is not difficult to do, it is very easy to ascertain that most small businesses simply neglect this important activity.


    Most likely you already understand that your site has but two or three seconds to make a positive effect on a person. So, if someone leaves that swiftly is just a well known fact of online business life. The spot on your site that’s above the fold on your home page is of specific significance. That is what every person will see initially when they arrive, and it is what is visible with no any scrolling down the web page. Make very sure the goal of your site, or what you do or provide is clearly accessible above the fold. It is possible to put your unique selling proposition, USP, above the fold and you really should. The worst type of thing you can do is compel people to look for or imagine what your site is exactly about.


    Be very sure you take your niche market into account when picking colors and other graphic facets. Each niche area is not going to be the same in terms of what works best with them. Based on your research, you should have a main group of colors to choose from. If you are skeptical, then create the new site and split test it with your previous site. Consider common sense questions including what do the people in your market value as it concerns your business. If your market is rich in crazy energy then your shades can enhance that aspect. If you speculate at this, then it is very easy to strengthen or suggest the opposite feeling which is not a wise decision. If this is completely new to you, then just know that your pick of colors will have an effect on your site readers.


    All right, we have mentioned the amount of little time your site has to make a positive impact. You can usually test placing some kind of eye catching visual that will catch attention, immediately, and help to get people engaged. You need people to center on that one thing that’s all important. What it is possible to also do is declare something in the graphic, or near it, so that will additionally help to generate interest. No matter what method you use, with or without an image, just be very sure you obtain their attention. The copy that is integrated in that graphic image must make people very curious to know more. Ideally you will discover that each minute longer they stay, the better chance your site has to build a better impact. When you are able to do that, then your chances instantly improve.

    Thanks for Reading I appreciate it.

    Justin Cleghorn

    I am a Baker by Trade but now I have the Luxury of being a Home Dad.
    My Wife Works full time, so in between, Washing, Ironing, Making Sandwiches, Cleaning and chasing Kids and Dogs I try and spend some time Online. I am addicted to wordpress.

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  • Data Entry Jobs Information Along With A Bunch Of Instructions For Gaining Income Over The Web

    Posted on April 25th, 2011 mike1174 No comments

    helpful im methods and furthermore why you should find data entry jobsas soon as possible.

    Landing Pages People Can Trust; How To Create Them.
    Every Internet marketer knows the value of having a good, converting landing page for their product. Not considering how you’re creating your traffic and how the visitors are getting there if your landing page isn’t praiseworthy then you will have few conversion rates. One of the things which a high number of online marketers have trouble with is, putting together a landing page people are able to relate with. Invoking trust in your target audience through your landing page is the first step towards building a long term relationship with them. If you desire for your visitors to take the plunge and shape themselves into being your clients then you should direct your attention toward forming a landing page they can believe in. So, how in fact do you really go about putting together that kind of landing page?
    It’s imperative that you know what information you will be requiring of your prospects when they land on your page. The purpose of your landing page is to get you targeted leads, and get your prospects to take action.
    For this reason it is important that you ask only the most important information instead of everything under the sun. People are skeptical about sharing personal details on the internet so you’ll want to make the information you ask for simple so as not to overwhelm prospects. If you want to avoid scaring off your prospects don’t ask for mailing addresses or phone numbers if you can keep from it. Asking for basic information is a rule of thumb you should follow to gain your prospect trust before asking for more information on additional pages. As an example if you want to give away a report on your landing page you’ll need to ask for first name and email address and that’s it. Your conversation rate will decline rapidly is you are asking for too much information.
    Now, show your prospects that their privacy matters and you won’t have to worry about doing anything wrong with their contact information. A good idea is to have a link to your privacy policy right besides the form, and also mention it clearly that their email address is safe with you. In the past years, spamming has gotten out of control to where, we are careful with whom we share out email addresses with. Making sure your privacy policy states how you are going to use their contact information and why your customers matter the most. Making sure to take this step first so there are less problems later on. When some get spam, some may blame you of abusing their email address and you don’t want that. When it comes to privacy you need to be good and clear.
    Finally; you plan to show any of your terms and conditions to your users, don’t make them convoluted. Have the terms prepared in layman’s terms so that anyone who has a hankering to go through them doesn’t become uninterested. The terms that you lay out are apparently going to be critical to your clients, although if you prepare them in a manner that nobody would read, then it’s futile to put the page up. Getting this one step right can make a world of a difference to the trust you generate with your prospects. To come to the point, out of the aforementioned article it becomes evident that developing a landing page is not just about adding some graphics there and there, and creating a few paragraphs of your merchandises’ foreword. It is imperative for you to take whichever steps you can for forming the trust aspect, in order for your prospects to be knowledgeable of the message you’re trying to communicate to them and most importantly, be decisive.

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  • Powerful And Proven Solutions To Boost Squeeze Page Conversion Rates

    Posted on April 2nd, 2011 mike1174 No comments

    amp;lt;pamp;gt;After finding ways to get targeted prospects to your squeeze pages, your next barrier is getting prospects to your mailing list. There are many facets of this overall process that will each contribute to your success. But you do have to understand that everything could be in vain if the level of quality of your traffic is weak. You will likely be setting yourself up for disaster if you are not producing the best traffic possible. However, finding good site visitors is really not that hard, and so your landing page will be next in line to get high conversion rates. This article will cover just some of the things you really should do if you want to achieve the most from your list building efforts. It truly does not really make a difference if your webpage is regarding amp;lt;a href=amp;quot;http://www.thinninghairwomen.orgamp;quot;amp;gt;thinning hair womenamp;lt;/aamp;gt;, amp;lt;a href=amp;quot;http://www.symptomsofpanicattacks.orgamp;quot;amp;gt;symptoms of panic attacksamp;lt;/aamp;gt; or perhaps wanting to instruct individuals amp;lt;a href=amp;quot;;quot;amp;gt;how to avoid panic attacksamp;lt;/aamp;gt;, all of us needs to recognize how to enhance their readers actions on their sales page.amp;lt;/pamp;gt;
    amp;lt;pamp;gt;The one single task you should put into effect is set-up your squeeze page for testing. But understand that there is nothing tricky about this process, and you really need to do it. All you are going to be doing is testing a single thing at a time, and you do this by rotating the page with a straightforward script called a URL rotator. Make sure you have a decent tracking script in place so you can record impressions and clicks. We suggest you create another headline so you can improve that because it plays a big role in conversions. What you’ll do is systematically go from one element to the next and boost. So you are able to see how uncomplicated this is, but it is very potent because you can get the best conversions you possibly can with it.amp;lt;/pamp;gt;
    amp;lt;pamp;gt;Certainly you know that you must present something in return for their contact details. You can correctly view this part as one of your most ultra powerful persuasive elements for gaining new subscribers. Your targeted traffic must consider what you want to exchange and be absolutely impressed with it. Keep in mind that you do not generally have to use an ebook, and in fact it may perhaps be better if you did not. Do something different with it so they will not think they can easily find the details for free on the net. Only you will understand what will speak to them in the most successful way about the benefits. You can additionally help your conversion rates by using an image that also includes the energy of your offer.amp;lt;/pamp;gt;
    amp;lt;pamp;gt;Moreover, you need to test your sign up box because it includes a few items that need to be optimized. Locate a pleasing and eye catching button graphic image to use for the submitting link. The standard submit buttons used are not very remarkable to say the least. On a related note, improve the text that comes with the usual button that everybody gets given that it is the same text you see everywhere else. You want it to be distinct but also help to bolster what people are getting. One method to incorrectly draw notice is by using Flash animation anywhere except maybe the moving arrow, but make sure to test that, also.amp;lt;/pamp;gt;

  • Find Out the Secrets of Highly Converting Squeeze Pages | Money To Blog

    Posted on March 9th, 2011 mike1174 No comments

    amp;lt;a href=amp;quot;;quot;amp;gt;The Money With Your Blog Site Teamamp;lt;/aamp;gt;

    Internet marketing is mainly about making a profit by leveraging and utilizing the resources that you already have. Your email list is such a resource and it is, in fact, one of the biggest assets you can have as an internet marketer. If you are creating your list from nothing, then one of the first steps will be to put up a squeeze page. On this page you will gather emails from your visitors and use them to start compiling your email list. There are a number of factors that influence the success of your squeeze page, but the good thing is, with time you can perfect your page by making small tweaks here and there, and with constant testing and tracking.

    If there is any one single aspect that is very important it must be the headline. There are many formulas for writing headlines, but you just want it to make people stop and read more. Your squeeze page has the tough job of selling your freebie offer in exchange for their contact information. We have found that you really do need to hit people with your best benefit in your headline. After you have traffic going to your squeeze page, then be very sure you test new headlines all the time.

    You also have to make sure that your squeeze page has a professional appearance. Your page can’t be poorly design without a single attractive element. If it’s possible, try to find a professional and experienced designer to help you. You want your visitors to be impressed with your site and presentation is very important to do this. However, it isn’t necessary to spend inordinate amounts of money and time on designing your squeeze page. It’s enough to make sure the appearance is professional. You really don’t want to hurt your chances of someone signing up because of a bad squeeze page, because, after all, every person that lands on your squeeze page is a potential client.

    If you want to see the highest conversions, then be very sure your page copy is up to the task. You can easily find professional squeeze pages and take a look at how the copy has been done. You can find all of the copy that has an effect on the readers’ emotions. All in all, from the above article we come to understand how simple it can be turn your squeeze page into a lead generation machine. The only thing that you need to remember is that your squeeze page is not like your regular website, which is why you need to give it special preference. The other part of the squeeze page equation concerns traffic, and your must be from the market you are targeting. Do not be afraid to try out your own squeeze page because it will all be good learning experience.

    Take Care,

    amp;lt;a href=amp;quot;;quot;amp;gt;The Money With Your Blog Site Teamamp;lt;/aamp;gt;lt;centergt;lt;pgt;lt;font size=’1’gt;lt;igt;#6459lt;/igt;lt;/fontgt;lt;/pgt;lt;/centergt;

  • Unbiased Review of Content Wizard For All Bloggers

    Posted on February 23rd, 2011 mike1174 No comments

    Practically all IM marketers take advantage of automating their processes when possible. If you are experienced, then you understand all about the little monotonous and boring process involved with IM. Also, employing automation is an excellent use of leverage that will save us a lot of time. We need to market and create traffic each day, depending on what you need to do, and getting more time is equal to making more money. Content Wizard is a WordPress plugin produced by Leslie Bogaerts, and this is our review. If you are a blogger, in any capacity, then this content managing resource may appeal to you. Leslie recently upgraded Content Wizard for autoblogging, and that’s not the only upgrade she has done.
    amp;lt;div id=amp;quot;_mcePasteamp;quot;amp;gt;Blogs are powerful for a lot of reasons, but they’re amp;quot;high maintenanceamp;quot; sites for a variety of good reasons. Most of us know the pain of doing everything by hand with category creation, tag creation and manually uploading content. There is a lot more to it, but using one click posting is something that is sure to be attractive to lots of people. Naturally you can select which existing categories your content is going to be posted. So there is some precision with this, and you won’t be flying blindly with posts to random places on your blog.amp;lt;/divamp;gt;
    amp;lt;divamp;gt;Let’s talk about a few more features and benefits of Content Wizard. If you are like most bloggers, then you need your blogs and posts to rank highly in Google, normally. Well, there is a feature for creating tags for all your posts which will decrease time spent. We are uncertain how that ability may integrate with your SEO related plugins, to be fair. So that would be something we are certain Leslie can shed some light on.amp;lt;/divamp;gt;
    amp;lt;divamp;gt;Automating your content management is crucial for many, and there’s much more available with this plugin. Certainly you will have the power to schedule all future postings according to time and date. Autoblogging is a aspect that very many marketers really like using, and that capability was contained in a new plugin update. We know autoblogging has been pretty hot for a good while, so that ought to be appealing to many of you.amp;lt;/divamp;gt;
    amp;lt;divamp;gt;If you are drawn to using PLR material, or articles, then there’s something here for you, too. You can forget about the issue with SEO and PLR content due to the fact you can make your posts unique to the bots. Truthfully, you may wish to proceed with caution due to the possible human review element to this issue.amp;lt;/divamp;gt;
    amp;lt;divamp;gt;Additional goodies for Content Wizard include an unlimited license, and you’ll be able to use on any number of your sites with no limitations. You will not have to pay for additional upgrades, and that’s for the life of the product. No hassles involved if you really like to flip sites as you can use this plugin with no restrictions. Also, there is no developers license required if you build blogs to offer as a business.amp;lt;/divamp;gt;
    Are you seeking advice to develop a  amp;lt;a href=amp;quot;http://socialmediasocialmarketing.comamp;quot; target=amp;quot;_blankamp;quot;amp;gt;social media marketingamp;lt;/aamp;gt; strategy? Come and scope my primary hangout.

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