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  • Crucial Foundations To Produce A Responsive Email List

    Posted on March 11th, 2011 mike1174 No comments


    If you want real power in your online business, then develop an email list if you have not done so. There are other approaches to think about them for instance: relationship marketing and permission-based promoting. If you would like to market via email, then by law you need to obtain their permission. Building relationships is the truly smart way to approach doing business and especially email marketing. Very many small and larger businesses tend to drop the ball rather drastically in the area of rapport building with their lists. The net effect is almost universally the same – a badly converting, unresponsive email list. It seems a common sense thing that if you are going to put forth the effort, then you should do it right so you make money.

    It is not so unusual for marketers to make mistakes in their targeting when they get subscribers to their lists. In other words, the list is not targeted to the right people for your offers. You need to make sure you are correctly targeting people, and you must locate them in the right places. Is your opt-in copy in proper order, or appropriately targeting your market? You also must be sure your website or blog is properly targeting the right market. Also, make all very clear if you decide to use a squeeze page. The more distinct you are, then that will usually have the effect of reducing misunderstandings.

    If you are totally unknown to your market, then your job is to totally wow people with your content. The content you produce will go far and wide with the impact it has on your readers. A few things are super critical and making people think you are a total expert is one of them. A lot can be accomplished with proper positioning to your audience. Going further than that, your readers need to be able to have some sense of trust in you. It may well not be such a concern about spam as much as it is a decision of whether or not you are worth their time. The more you are able to just blow people away with good feelings, then your impact will be stronger and a lot more positive. To make money online you need to have a good opportunity like the amp;lt;a title=amp;quot;GBGamp;quot; href=amp;quot;;quot; target=amp;quot;_blankamp;quot;amp;gt;GBGamp;lt;/aamp;gt; Home Business Opportunity and the amp;lt;a title=amp;quot;Vitagap Marketing Machineamp;quot; href=amp;quot;;quot; target=amp;quot;_blankamp;quot;amp;gt;Vitagap Marketing Machineamp;lt;/aamp;gt; by amp;lt;a title=amp;quot;GBG Vitalityamp;quot; href=amp;quot;;quot; target=amp;quot;_blankamp;quot;amp;gt;GBG Vitalityamp;lt;/aamp;gt;.

    So many times people will react positively to you if you simply create a positive and good feeling. People will acquire their impressions to a large degree from the content and general quality of information you produce. To have an idea just think of what you prefer to see with content, and that will likely be a perfect idea for you. People want value on the web, and that is almost certainly due to the pervasive quantities of bad content. The worst thing is when a reader departs and feels like additional time was put to no good use.

    amp;lt;/divamp;gt;lt;centergt;lt;pgt;lt;font size=’1’gt;lt;igt;#2875lt;/igt;lt;/fontgt;lt;/pgt;lt;/centergt;

  • Find Out the Secrets of Highly Converting Squeeze Pages | Money To Blog

    Posted on March 9th, 2011 mike1174 No comments

    amp;lt;a href=amp;quot;;quot;amp;gt;The Money With Your Blog Site Teamamp;lt;/aamp;gt;

    Internet marketing is mainly about making a profit by leveraging and utilizing the resources that you already have. Your email list is such a resource and it is, in fact, one of the biggest assets you can have as an internet marketer. If you are creating your list from nothing, then one of the first steps will be to put up a squeeze page. On this page you will gather emails from your visitors and use them to start compiling your email list. There are a number of factors that influence the success of your squeeze page, but the good thing is, with time you can perfect your page by making small tweaks here and there, and with constant testing and tracking.

    If there is any one single aspect that is very important it must be the headline. There are many formulas for writing headlines, but you just want it to make people stop and read more. Your squeeze page has the tough job of selling your freebie offer in exchange for their contact information. We have found that you really do need to hit people with your best benefit in your headline. After you have traffic going to your squeeze page, then be very sure you test new headlines all the time.

    You also have to make sure that your squeeze page has a professional appearance. Your page can’t be poorly design without a single attractive element. If it’s possible, try to find a professional and experienced designer to help you. You want your visitors to be impressed with your site and presentation is very important to do this. However, it isn’t necessary to spend inordinate amounts of money and time on designing your squeeze page. It’s enough to make sure the appearance is professional. You really don’t want to hurt your chances of someone signing up because of a bad squeeze page, because, after all, every person that lands on your squeeze page is a potential client.

    If you want to see the highest conversions, then be very sure your page copy is up to the task. You can easily find professional squeeze pages and take a look at how the copy has been done. You can find all of the copy that has an effect on the readers’ emotions. All in all, from the above article we come to understand how simple it can be turn your squeeze page into a lead generation machine. The only thing that you need to remember is that your squeeze page is not like your regular website, which is why you need to give it special preference. The other part of the squeeze page equation concerns traffic, and your must be from the market you are targeting. Do not be afraid to try out your own squeeze page because it will all be good learning experience.

    Take Care,

    amp;lt;a href=amp;quot;;quot;amp;gt;The Money With Your Blog Site Teamamp;lt;/aamp;gt;lt;centergt;lt;pgt;lt;font size=’1’gt;lt;igt;#6459lt;/igt;lt;/fontgt;lt;/pgt;lt;/centergt;