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  • How to Fill Your Pockets With Cash in a Bad Economy

    Posted on March 5th, 2009 Admin No comments


    With the way things are going, now more than ever you need to learn how to fill your pockets with cash in a bad economy.  So I decided to post an excellent article by Dustin Heath, whom I really respect.

    I hope you find it helpful and please add your comments below if you liked it.


    Jaime Ojeda

    How to Fill Your Pockets With Cash in a Bad Economy

    With the economy in troubled times, more and more people are looking for ways to earn money aside from their regular jobs. As opposed to thinking of the Internet as simply a means of communicating with family and friends via e-mail, start thinking of it as a valuable resource for bringing much needed funds into your life.

    There are many ways to make money online and most involve selling yourself to your audience and by so doing, selling them something that can be of use to them. It is important that you be informed about the many work at home scams that are to be found all over the Internet and then work hard to steer clear of them. You must also be aware of some of the disadvantages of selling online such as start-up time, tremendous competition and the myriad of costs that go along with it.

    Despite the negative points, there are ways that you can bring more money into your household. Here we explore four popular ways:


    A blog (which is the word you get when you combine web log) is a type of online journal or online diary. Some blogs provide information about products and services while others offer commentary, opinions, suggestions and helpful ideas. Blogging does not have to be just text but can also include photos and videos. The more appealing your blog is to the eye, the more likely it will be to draw people in. A blog can be anything you want it to be as long as you find a way to grab the attention of those who visit it.

    Once you start bringing in a steady stream of readers, you can then sell advertising space and begin to offer products on your own blog, such as pens, bookmarks, tee shirts, hats or whatever fits the theme of your blog. There are a variety of places on the net that offer free blog templates to get you started.

    Sell Your Products

    If you make candles, purses, earrings or any type of craft then you can sell them online to earn income. Regardless of what you make, there is a market for it over the Internet. E-commerce is not just for the big name companies. Selling over the Internet is becoming simpler and simpler for the average person as is finding ways to accept payments from customers.

    Write Content for Websites

    If you are good with the written word and have expertise in a given subject then that is good news for those who have websites and are looking for content. This is an excellent way to make more money on the side writing about a subject that you are passionate about.

    Affiliate Marketing

    This is one of the simplest ways to earn money at home over the Internet. Instead of selling your own products you will help promote and sell the products of other companies by providing a link from your blog or website to their website. When people visit the site and buy products or services, you as the affiliate, will receive a commission of the sales.

    About The Author

    Dustin Heath recommends that you visit to learn how you can start your own home-based business earning multiple streams of income with a Plug-In Profit Site – Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

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